The 5 Core Essentials of Human Performance©—Assessment

The 5 Core Essentials of Human Performance© enable you to create better-than-expected results in your energy and health, your capabilities to function and perform, and your level of achievement.

They are the pillars of your lifestyle, and your proficiency in each core essential determines how well you'll achieve your goals.

Assess your lifestyle authentically and with humility in this assessment.

We both know driven, achiever-types don't readily admit their gaps or weaknesses, but if you want to unlock your true potential, and develop from a Potentialite, Striver, Overachieving Underperformer, or High Achiever to become a Healthy, High-Achiever Who Thrives; assess what's true for you as accurately as possible.

The purpose is not to rank or to put you in a particular "bucket." It's for you to see what you are just waking up to, what needs work, and so forth. Lifestyle Coach JAM will help you bridge the gaps.

Healthy High Achieving People Who Thrive are PROficient in all 5 Core Essentials of Human Performance.

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